What do community groups think of Towards a Good Life?

Towards a Good Life has been developed and trialled with a number of community groups, including STAND, University of the Third Age, and local branches of Alzheimer Scotland.

Thanks to the Towards a Good Life project for establishing this self-help tool with its holistic approach. This is important as improved resilience, community development and community engagement all much depend upon improving the actual issues so to ease independent living and wellbeing.

Ro Pengelly. Community Researcher

I think its hugely important, because if you can get the social environment, the community environment right, it will make it easier for people with all sorts of issues to get the best out of it. What (Towards a Good Life) did for me was bring everything together. (...) It brought a lot more depth to that analysis. The resource brought everything together in one place. (...) It put it down on a piece of paper, and it was a resource we could use.

Ruth McCabe. STAND

In this video, Ruth McCabe and Irene Donaldson of STAND discuss their thoughts regarding their involvement in developing Towards a Good Life.